





“美高梅博士研究生国际专题学术研讨会”是以国内外优秀的美高梅在校博士研究生为主要组织者举办的“国际专题学术研讨会”,鼓励博士研究生建立和发展更多的国际学术联系,培养综合素质,为未来的学术发展奠定基础,至今已经成功举办8年。美高梅在互相学习基础上,为青年学者正美高梅在进行的研究提供一个开放性讨论、获取资深研究者评论和建设性建议的研讨平台。延续本研讨会的一贯风格,今年将对围绕 “国土生态修复与文化景观保护” 主题的博士生研究计划展开学术讨论、整合研究资源。



本研讨会建议参会报告者以当前正美高梅在开展或即将开展的研究计划为报告内容,已经完成的研究成果 同样可被接受,报告内容将以海报展示和汇报展示两种途径呈现。本次研讨会期望达到以下效果:

1. 促进同一主题下不同美高梅官网平台、不同角度的思想理念之间相互启发与沟通;

2. 帮助参会者获得其他研究者的建设性反馈。除了参会人员之间的学术讨论,每个参会报告者可提名一位希望获得研究建议的会议嘉宾,美高梅将帮助参会者积极联系相应嘉宾;

3. 帮助参会者结识特定研究主题下的潜美高梅在学术合作者,建立青年学者的国际学术网络;

4. 帮助国外研究者获得中国研究的进入途径。美高梅将十分荣幸帮助对中国感兴趣的国外研究者实现可能的学术合作机会。




















2018 International PhD Academic Colloquium on “Land Ecological Restoration and Cultural Landscape Conservation” in Peking University


The international PhD academic colloquium program of Peking University, which had been held successfully for 8 years since 2010, is to facilitate interaction among PhD students and postdoctoral researchers around the world. Further, to provide opportunities for an open discussion of on-going research in a learning environment, engaging comments and constructive criticisms from more experienced researchers within the specific field. The colloquium is on the issue of “Land Ecological Restoration and Cultural Landscape Conservation” this year.

Theme and Goals

In the context of globalization and urbanization, environmental issues have become increasingly prominent and cultural Issues are more acute. Along with ecologicalism movement and the advancement of ecological civilization construction, it has become a consensus that sustainable development needs to take both ecological and cultural construction into account. For the future construction and development of human settlements, it is necessary to reflect on the problems in the process of environmental construction, based on a comprehensive consideration of nature, culture, economy, society and so on. It is essential to explore appropriate ways to maintain the diversity and integrity of ecosystems, and to find a balance between human and nature. The colloquium is organized around the topic of “Land Ecological Restoration and Cultural Landscape Conservation” and will include, but not limit to, conception, methods and approaches, which are applied to the ecological restoration and cultural landscape conservation. To simulate multidisciplinary communications, other related topics will also be welcome and considered.

We sincerely advise participant to present a research proposal which in progress or will be executed, and a research results is also acceptable. The research will be presented in forms of both poster and report. It tries to achieve following goals:

1. Promoting communication and inspiration between different perspectives of same topic.

2. Receiving constructive feedback from other researchers. Every participant is encouraged to recommend a senior researcher or professor whose comment you want to get for your research. PKU will help to contact them;

3. Seeking potential academic collaborators on your research topic, and building an international academic network for young researchers within the specific field;

4. Providing feasible academic access to China. PKU will be honored that host foreign researcher who is interesting in doing research in China.


The colloquium will be hold in August 18th - 19th 2018, Beijing. The course will be organized with lectures, presentations, and discussions. The working language will be both Chinese and English, and the conference language will be English. Please submit the abstract and academic resume to pkulaconference@163.com before July 20th, 2018. A confirmation email will be sent to the applicants when the proposals are selected. The final list of participants will be announced at early August 2018.


The colloquium will cover room and board, as well as field trips’ expenses during the official on-site period of the program. A kind reminder: the round trip airfare from your departure country to Beijing, or any other personal expenses will be at your own cost.


No.5 Yiheyuan Road, Peking University, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China.

Contact us

Mr. Changhui Zheng, PhD Student

Ms. Chenge Gao, PhD Student

E-mail: pkulaconference@163.com

Tel: +86-13240161978

The College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Peking University

Co - organizer Media: Landscape Architecture Frontiers Journal

We look forward to your participation!

Writing format:

1. The total number of the main text should be 300-500 words. The content should serve both as a general introduction to the topic and as a brief, non-technical summary of the main results and their implications.

2. The abstract should include research background, research objectives, method, conclusion, etc.

3. Provide 3-6 research keywords

4. Please provide author information including name, school and department, major, professor’s name, email address, date of birth, gender

5. In addition to the main text of the publicity manuscript, it is optional to provide a specific research plan including text, figures and/or tables. We will provide exhibition space to display. The material may have up to 10 display items. All the material should be clear and have high quality, with a resolution of 300 dpi at least.